Body Psychotherapy

What is Body Psychotherapy?

Neither our psyche nor our mind can be looked at or treated detached from the body. Body psychotherapy therefore means the connection of body, mind (cognition) and soul (psyche). Our thinking, feeling as well as our sensations are equally addressed in body psychotherapy, and thus connected and reconciled. We do this by repeatedly incorporating and linking these three levels of humanity during a therapy session: Feelings are linked with thoughts, thoughts with the sensations they trigger, emotions with the associated bodily sensations.
In a body psychotherapeutic session, of course, there is also ample talking. Equally, however, we pay attention to nonverbal communication and what happens with the body. For example, how does breathing change with a stressful topic? Which body symptoms are caused by a traumatic experience? What physical blockades are evoked by the memory of a difficult situation? How can our vegetative nervous system be calmed or stimulated by breathing? Which physical exercises lead to more psychological well-being, more balance or more relaxation? Together we find out in the treatment what helps you and is good for you.

What does IBP mean?

IBP stands for 'Integrative Body Psychotherapy'. Integrative here means the integration of the three above-mentioned levels of body, mind and soul.

IBP also incorporates various tried and tested therapeutic methods, such as the energetic body therapy according to Wilhelm Reich, Gestalt therapy, cognitive therapy and the principles of humanistic psychology, as well as scientific findings of developmental psychology and attachment research, neurophysiology, and stress and trauma research.

IBP is a tried and tested, effective and scientifically sound method. It is therefore one of the psychotherapy methods recognized by the Swiss official authorities.

More and detailed information on IBP can be found on the IBP website (